Standard Operating Procedures for Restaurants

Complete manual in a mobile app.
Train staff the way they will actually learn.

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Ready-to-use SOPs

Start training staff right away with our instructions. Everyting from Personal Hygiene to Customer Service.


All procedures are available in-app on employees' smartphones.

Restaurant manual

The know-how of running a restaurant in a single place.

The Story Format

Train using the most popular video format known from Instagram. Your staff will love it.

Better than PDF

Visual, memorable instructions that are easy to focus on.

Quick to use

Watching a training video is a matter of seconds.

Show your own procedures

Create your own instructions to teach staff how to do things at your special place.

Already available

You can start using the app right now! Read more about it here.

Multiple sites

Share your procedures with multiple sites to maintain your golden standards.


You control who can see your recordings.

Get notified as soon as we launch.

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